The 2024 Lok Sabha and Assembly elections in Andhra Pradesh have come to a close after much excitement. Following a landslide victory of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) over the Yuvajana Shramika Rythu Congress Party (YSRCP), the State is ready for a change in regime – and its people are eager to usher in progression. In Vizag, the same anticipation is in the air, and following the election results, some residents have proactively sought new changes and developments throughout the city.
On the night of June 4, for instance, citizens temporarily renamed the YSR viewpoint to ‘Abdul Kalam Viewpoint’ by covering the original nameboard with a poster. Similarly, in Siripuram, attempts were made to remove road dividers that were causing inconvenience to motorists. Although these changes were later reversed, Vizagites’ actions speak louder than words, and they have one message for the new administration: Change is the need of the hour.
We at Yo! Vizag conducted a poll to find out what developments citizens would like to see in the city. Here are some strong opinions we got in response:
The ‘City Central Park’, in 2019, was renamed after the former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, Y S Rajasekhara Reddy, and is presently called ‘Dr Y S Rajasekhar Reddy Central Park’. It should have its original name restored, according to many Vizagites.
In 2021, the Andhra Pradesh state cabinet approved the AP Information Technology Policy 2021-24, which offered numerous incentives for IT firms to establish firms and create jobs in the state.
Visakhapatnam, designated as the proposed executive capital, was envisioned to become a key hub for the IT sector. The YSRCP government aimed to make Vizag an appealing destination for IT companies through various incentives and business process reforms.
With the recent changes in governance and the promise of fresh developments, Vizag residents are keen to see this promise fulfilled and are calling for new software companies to be brought into the city’s IT hub.
The. construction of the NAD flyover has caused significant traffic congestion and accidents at the old Gajuwaka junction. Many heavy-load vehicles, as well as daily commuters, take this route, and it has become a chokepoint. The 3.8 km stretch between Sheela Nagar and Old Gajuwaka is particularly prone to road accidents. Residents demand the improvement of safety and traffic flow here.
The closure of the new Rushikonda beach-side road for the construction of the former chief minister’s camp office has upset many. Citizens want this scenic road reopened. Additionally, they also seek free parking and nearby lots in the Rushikonda area.
The newly constructed ‘palace’ atop Rushikonda, initially meant to be Y S Jagan’s camp office, should be converted into a tourism venture by turning it into resorts, according to residents.
Traffic congestion in Vizag is exacerbated by the lack of parking spaces. Citizens are calling for more parking lots to alleviate this issue
The viewpoint at Seethakonda Beach, originally called ‘Seethakonda Viewpoint’ was renamed to ‘YSR viewpoint’. Many citizens want its name to be changed again. Similarly, several key locations in Vizag were rebranded with the name of Dr Y S Rajashekara Reddy, and citizens want them revoked.
The previous government placed numerous statues of Y S Rajasekhara Reddy in crowded public areas. Residents want these statues, especially those near prominent locations like the Dr Y S Rajasekhara Reddy ACA–VDCA Cricket Stadium and The Park Hotel, to be removed.
These proposed new changes and developments reflect the community’s aspirations for a better and more efficient Vizag. As the new government takes charge, it remains to be seen how these demands will be addressed to fulfil the hopes of Vizagites.
Stay tuned to Yo! Vizag website and Instagram for more city and news updates.
This post was last modified on 10/06/2024 7:50 pm
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