Giving an update on the Andhra Pradesh capital issue, Rajya Sabha Member of Parliament (MP), V Vijayasai Reddy, has shared that infrastructure is being readied to move the Executive Capital of the state to Visakhapatnam. This announcement has been a long awaited one, considering how the city had been named as the Executive Capital of the state early last year .
He was speaking at a campaign meeting on Friday for the bypoll of wards under the Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) limits.
The Rajya Sabha MP stated that the Andhra Pradesh State Government is committed to the decentralisation of capitals. He also said that once Visakhapatnam becomes the Executive Capital of AP, the standard of living and employment opportunities in the city will improve.
MP Vijayasai Reddy also acknowledged the fact that there had been an unforeseen delay in shifting the capital to Visakhapatnam. He said that the move is expected to happen very soon.
The Executive Capital issue is one of the raging political topics in the state of Andhra Pradesh and Visakhapatnam. Ever since it was announced by the State Government, the public has been eagerly waiting for Visakhapatnam to take its place as the Executive Capital of the state. This move is part of establishing 3 capitals for Andhra Pradesh. Visakhapatnam as the Executive Capital, Amaravati as the Legislative Capital, and Kurnool as the Judicial Capital. The policy is planned in order to decentralise development of the state and have all regions witness equal growth.
All party leaders in Visakhapatnam stepped out on Friday to campaign for the bypoll, with the irregular rainfall not deterring them.
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