The coronavirus pandemic has brought in a big change in our lives and habits in recent months. Given the increase in stress and worry in many, the need to manage one’s mental health optimally in these times has been increasingly recognised by health agencies across the world. I have, in my clinical practice, come across troublesome pandemic related anxiety, both in the general public and in people with pre-existing mental health problems.
Before coming to what can be done to overcome stress and anxiety related to the pandemic, lets us understand firstly why and how we react to any situation of potential danger.
Stress response in humans
The primitive parts of our brain are wired to react to danger or an acute stress event by a “flight or fight” mechanism. Several neurochemical changes occur in the brain in response, in particular, the activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the release of a hormone called adrenaline. This gets us to an alert or vigilant state that essentially helps in fighting the danger or escaping it. During such state, our mind is scanning all around for dangers, there is a rush of blood in our system, and we experience several other symptoms of anxiety (e.g. sweating, palpitations, increased breathing, etc).
Why do we overreact?
Though an overactive sympathetic nervous system within our brains and body helps in dealing with an acute stress event, sometimes we err on the estimation of the threat severity, and generate excessive responses to a perceived danger that really isn’t big, or continue a stress response even as the danger is no more acute. The reason why some people err in interpreting the threat while others do not, is rather complex, and in part is related to genetic make-up of a person, and childhood and past experiences.
What helps in overcoming stress?
Fortunately, one does not always need to address the underlying causes that makes a person prone to anxiety. One can start with methods that simply aim at addressing the current anxiety symptoms (let it be physical symptoms such as palpitations, restlessness and sleeplessness; or mental symptoms such as difficulty concentration, worry and ruminative thinking), alongside dealing with the threat / danger if there is one, in a practical manner.
What can help in minding my mental health during the coronavirus pandemic?
Below are simple and practical tips that help in managing stress during the coronavirus pandemic
What else helps in managing stress?
Certain breathing and muscle relaxation exercises help in minimising physical symptoms of anxiety such as muscular tension, palpitations and stressful breathing. Examples of these are Deep breathing and Jacobson’s muscle relaxation technique (can be easily found by searching online).
While the above measures put into practice should suffice management of stress and anxiety in most people; consulting a mental health professional may be necessitated if one faces severe or disabling anxiety or if associated with major mental disorder. In a professional setting, cognitive behavioural therapy aims at identifying and altering dysfunctional thinking patterns; while problem solving counselling helps in discovering and implementing solutions to existing real problems. In a psychiatric setting, medications can be used as an adjunct or on its own to manage major anxiety disorders.
Written by
Dr Srinivas Singisetti, CCST in Gen Adult Psych and Deaddiction (UK), MRCPsych (UK), MD Psychiatry (NIMHANS), MBBS.
This post was last modified on 02/06/2020 3:28 pm
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