On Tuesday, 14 March 2023, Andhra Pradesh CM YS Jagan announced that he would be shifting to Visakhapatnam, the proposed state capital, in July this year. Despite the Supreme Court’s judgment over the Amaravati issue pending, the chief minister had openly quoted multiple times that the port city has been finalised as the capital.
Earlier this month, he reiterated the same at the Global Investors Summit
, held in Vizag on 3 and 4 March. Statements concerning the capital shift were first given by the CM on 31 January 2023, at the International Diplomatic Alliance Meet in New Delhi. The state government’s appeal against the verdict of the High Court is expected to be heard on 28 March 2023.Along with the announcement regarding shifting the capital to Visakhapatnam, the cabinet meeting headed by CM Jagan also saw additional discussions regarding 45 agendas. The cabinet has approved the 2023-27 industrial policy of the state government and 15 other bills, which will be introduced in the assembly soon.
It is speculated that Rushikonda hill, the epicentre of a year-long controversy, will house government establishments, including the CM’s camp office. Nevertheless, government representatives have constantly voiced that the location would be largely utilised for tourism development.
Stay tuned to Yo! Vizag website and Instagram for more city updates.
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