The Visakhapatnam City Police have arrested a man working as a foreman at the Vizag Steel plant for duping aspirants by providing a fake selected list here in the city. The accused has duped a total of 15 aspirants looking for jobs in The Vizag Steel Plant and has collected an amount of ₹69,96,000. The Police officials upon receiving a complaint arrested the man on 24 March 2022.
The City Police
received a complaint on 21 March 2022, from Adapa Harsha who along with 4 others were reportedly cheated by the accused as he promised them jobs at the Vizag Steel Plant and collected an amount of ₹ 15,54,000. the FIR was lodged against the accused based on the fake ‘Steel Pant Junior Trainee Selected List’ he provided. A case was registered and the police set out for investigation.Upon his arrest, the accused foreman at the Vizag Steel plant confessed that he had duped a total of 15 such aspirants and collected a total of ₹ 69,96,000 from them. The police have registered 8 cases on 21 March 2022 at the Gajuwaka Police Station. The police have arrested the accused for cheating under sections 420, 468 and 471 of the Indian Penal Code.
Stay tuned to Yo! Vizag for more such city updates!
This post was last modified on 26/03/2022 12:22 pm
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