On Thursday night, the tiger roaming in Anakapalli District reportedly killed a calf in Chintapalem Village near Visakhapatnam. While the villagers are claiming the tiger to be the killer, the district forest officials opined that it must have been some other animal that killed the calf. The forest officials have stated that the animal was roaming in Ellupi Village in Sabbavaram Mandal on Thursday night, contrary to the villagers’ statement.
It may be recalled that the forest officials visited the Chintapalem Village and spoke to the MPP and ZPTC there. The residents of Chintapalem claimed that they heard roars in close proximity and further added that the tiger is roaming on the Nallugonda hill near the village.
On Friday morning, forest officials visited the village to examine the dead calf. Upon reviewing the scene, the officials confirmed that no pug marks were found around the location of the incident, thereby stating that some other wild animal must have killed the calf.
Whether the tiger is roaming near the Chintapalem Village or traced back to Sabbavaram Mandal will be confirmed in a couple of days based on its activity.
While the tiger has been making headlines for over 15 days in the Anakapalli District, another village near Visakhapatnam District has now come under the limelight. On Friday, the residents of Lopudi in Buchayyapeta Mandal reported pug marks of an unidentified animal near a petrol bunk. Photographs of the footprints have been submitted at the nearby police station and further information is yet to be revealed.
Stay tuned to Yo! Vizag Instagram and website for more.
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