The Visakhapatnam District administration is prepping to host CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, who will be in the city on Thursday, 11 May 2023, for the unveiling ceremony of a statue of YS Rajasekhar Reddy on the cricket stadium premises. He is said to participate in a medical programme at Apollo Hospitals in the Arilova health belt and inaugurate the Sea Harrier Museum on RK Beach Road.
District Collector A Mallikarjuna IAS, City Police Commissioner CM Thrivikrama Varma IPS, and GVMC Commissioner Saikanth Varma IAS reviewed the arrangements for the CM’s visit. According to preliminary reports by the Visakhapatnam administration, CM Jagan would be participating in an event by the Andhra Cricket Association (ACA) upon unveiling the statue of YS Rajasekhar Reddy in the cricket stadium compound. A detailed tour schedule will be revealed soon.
It is already known that the cricket stadium is named after the late politician as Dr YSR ACA-VDCA International Cricket Stadium. One recent attraction to get YSR’s name is the newly beautified Seethakonda viewpoint. Earlier this month, the CM toured the district to lay foundation stones for the Bhogapuram International Airport and the Adani Data Centre.
Stay tuned to Yo! Vizag website and Instagram for more city news updates.
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