On Tuesday, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, was in Visakhapatnam to seek the blessings of Hindu seer Swamy Swaroopanandendra Saraswati at Sharada Peetham in the city. While returning to the airport, the CM came across teenagers trying to grab his attention with a huge banner. It read “Save our friend Neeraj who is fighting against cancer. Please help our friend with money for his treatment. Prove that humanity still exists…”
Immediately, YS Jagan ordered his convoy to stop and disembarked to meet the youngsters. They are friends of 17-year-old Neeraj Kumar, a cancer patient who is currently hospitalised. The treatment expenses have run up to Rs.25 lakhs, a heavy financial burden on Neeraj’s family who are unable to afford the same.
In an immediate move, the CM has directed Visakhapatnam District Collector, K Bhaskar (IAS), to provide whatever help possible on behalf of the state government, even in terms of the necessary treatment and financial needs.
Young Neeraj’s friends had taken this measure as they were hopeful on grabbing the Chief Minister’s attention. Initially, they had gathered at the airport in the morning awaiting the Jagan’s arrival. However, the convoy had passed them and the effort was futile. However, they had not lost hope. The youngsters remained there and waited to attempt the same on CM’s return to the airport. As luck would have it, this time, their purpose was achieved. Local YSRCP leader, KK Raju, had supported them in this on-ground plan. Reports suggest that the state government has sanctioned Rs.20 lakhs for Neeraj Kumar’s treatment.
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