Andhra Pradesh government on Thursday presented a budget of Rs 1.91 lakh crore. The revenue surplus for the year 2018-19 is expected to be Rs 5,235 crore. Among other highlights, Vizag too stood as the centre of discussion with many prestigious projects assured of whopping amounts. An amount of Rs 5 crore has been earmarked for the much-awaited Metro Project in the cities of Vizag and Vijayawada.
While Rs 5.25 crores was allocated for the same during the previously announced state budget, it has been learned that the current amount will have to be jointly used by both Vizag and Vijayawada. The funds will be used for the basic necessities of the project.
Recently, it was reported that 5 companies have submitted bids for the 43 km long Vizag Metro Rail (VMR) project.
The companies of Adani Enterprises Limited, Gurgaon, TRIL Urban Transport Private Limited, Mumbai, Shapoorji Pallonji and Company Private Limited, Mumbai, ESSEL Infraprojects Limited, Mumbai and IL&FS Rail Limited, Mumbai submitted bids for the Request for Qualification (RfQ).
All these companies will be scrutinized and accordingly shortlisted by the AMRC, along with the State Government, after which, a notification will be given to the shortlisted companies for the Request for Proposal (RfP), which will be the final invitation for the Rs 8,800 crore project.
As reported by TOI, Mr N P Ramakrishna Reddy, Managing Director (AMRC), said, “We will take at least a month to thoroughly study their bid documents before shortlisting the eligible firms for further notification of RFP. We hope all these five would be shortlisted for the RFP, which will be invited in April this year. The receipt of RFP proposals from the firms and the selection of a suitable developer is proposed to be completed in another five months.”
News Credits-Eenadu
This post was last modified on 09/03/2018 5:58 pm
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