On Friday, 16 September 2022, the Visakhapatnam District Police arrested four persons involved in two separate ganja smuggling cases. Per the police reports, the two cases were recorded at the Cheedikada Mandal and Madugula. The ganja seized by the police in these cases weighed up to 43 kilos.
Also read: P Raja Babu takes charge as the new GVMC Commissioner
In the case recorded at the Cheedikada Mandal, a married couple from Kerala, Ch Sailesh and Samreena, were caught smuggling 40 kilos of ganja. During regular vehicular checks at the Konam check post on Friday morning, the Visakhapatnam District Police arrested the couple while smuggling the ganja in a Toyota Innova. The couple was later produced at the Chodavaram Court, and the car was seized along with the ganja. The police have initiated a search to capture the man who sold ganja to the couple.
In another incident, Y Praveen Kumar of Hyderabad and Ashish Kumar Rajput were arrested near Madugula while smuggling ganja from the agency areas near Visakhapatnam. As per the police reports, the two men were caught at the Thatiparthi check post while trafficking 3 kilos of ganja. On Friday morning, the duo reportedly borrowed the car through a car rental app and headed to the agency areas to procure ganja. They were then arrested while returning to Visakhapatnam.
Stay tuned to Yo! Vizag for website and Instagram for more updates.
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