On Thursday, the Visakhapatnam District Collector, V Vinay Chand IAS, held a review meeting at the local Zilla Parishad Conference Hall with private hospital representatives, and other departments, appointed for Covid treatment in Visakhapatnam District. The District Collector said that strict action would be taken against the respective private hospitals found violating the Andhra Pradesh State Government’s directives in providing medical services to Covid-19 patients. The Collector stated that Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, Y S Jaganmohan Reddy, was dissatisfied with some private hospitals not giving admission to patients even though beds were available. They are also reportedly not providing proper treatment nor making the necessary medicines available. The Collector explained that the Chief Minister had directed him not to hesitate to close such hospitals if necessary. He said any hospital would not be tolerated if they denied admission for Covid-19 patients, especially while having empty beds.
The Collector quoted that, “State Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy said it was the government’s policy to provide free Covid-19 medical services to every poor person.” Mr. Vinay Chand urged that hospitals should serve more efficiently with the experience gained over the past year, in view of the increasing severity of the second wave of the pandemic. The Collector of Visakhapatnam iterated that a notification was issued, declaring that 40 private hospital owners came forward to provide Covid-19 treatment as Category A and Category B.
To emphasise further, the District Collector stated the following details:
CCTV cameras should be properly installed in the wards and the CCTV footage should be constantly monitored at the District Collectorate and state control centres.
Lastly, the District Collector instructed all the officials present at the review meeting to prioritise the healthcare workers as well and their vaccinations. He also urged the healthcare workers to work with confidence, dedication to service and professional commitment.
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