The Visakhapatnam Cybercrime Police arrested a 25-year-old computer science graduate for blackmailing a woman by morphing her images in a lewd manner. As per a press release by the officials, the accused, Vattikuti Mani Sriram of West Godavari, created a fake Instagram profile and approached the victim. He obtained the woman’s display picture on the social media platform and morphed her face with images of bare bodies.
Later, Sriram blackmailed the victim, threatening that he would circulate those images on social media and forward them to her acquaintances. Shocked by the threats, the woman approached the Visakhapatnam Cybercrime Police and narrated the events. The officials tactfully traced the person who messaged the victim on Instagram and learnt that he is a native of Nelaturu, Chagallu, West Godavari.
It was found that the accused provided no details on his fake Instagram account with an agenda to remain anonymous and escape the police. Nevertheless, the cyber police traced him with the aid of technology and sent him to remand.
Visakhapatnam Cybercrime Inspector K Bhavani Prasad appealed to the public to stay away from strangers on social media and suspicious links. To raise a complaint with the cybercrime department, dial the 1903 toll-free number or visit or contact +91 9490617917.
Stay tuned to Yo! Vizag website and Instagram for more city news updates.
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