Twelve years ago, celebrated Telugu film actor and certified boy-next-door Nani walked onto our screens, and we were hooked ever since. The actor debuted with Mohan Krishna Indraganti’s Ashta Chamma back in 2008 on this day. Since then, Nani has earned the trust of audiences, and has delivered hits like Jersey, Ala Modalaindi, Pilla Jamindar and latest film V. While we have been used to comical portrayal of an everyday man in most of his films, Yo! Vizag brings you five underrated performances of actor Nani.
Here is a list of five underrated performances that prove the actor Nani is versatile too.
The Nivetha Thomas and Nani starrer won accolades for being an engaging thriller. Gentleman follows the story of two co-passengers on a plane journey who become friends and share their love stories. They go on to discover some shocking facts later on. Nani’s portrayal of a slightly dark character is one to look out for.
Yevade Subramanyam
Mahanati fame Director Nag Ashwin’s debut film Yevade Subramanyam was a breather from all the commercial potboilers when it released. Nani’s performance as an over-achieving career man is under stated, but effective.
Ninnu Kori
Another Nivetha Thomas starrer, Ninnu Kori follows the story of a man who wishes to earn his way back into his ex-beau’s life. Problem? She’s married to someone else now. Nani, who maintains his happy-go-lucky demeanour through the film shines in a couple of emotional scenes.
Bheemili Kabatti Jattu
Before Nani won accolades for his portrayal of a cricketer in Jersey, he shined bright in Bheemili Kabatti Jattu. Though the movie is slightly dated and slow-paced, Nani’s acting takes the film forward.
Starring Nithya Menen in the lead, Veppam (Tamil) follows the journey of an unassuming engineering student who gets involved in a drug peddling scam. Aside from the haunting melodies, Nani’s performance makes Veppam a must watch.
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