The Telugu Indian Idol has completed its audition round on Sunday. The popular singing reality show being aired on Aha is set to start off with the theatre round from next week. The show is being hosted by Indian Idol season 5 winner Sreeram Chandra and is being judged by Nithya Menon, Thaman, and Karthik. The popular show which initially aired in Hindi has successfully been adopted by many local languages across the country.
The show had a total of 4 episodes for auditions which also included online participation due to the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Episode 4 which aired on Saturday on the OTT Platform Aha had a mix of talent from across the state. The final episode of auditions was raining talent as many participants bagged golden tickets and golden mikes.
Dr Naga Sai Sindhura who sang Regu Mullole from the film Chandamama bagged the first golden ticket. While Srinivas who sang Life of Ram from the film Jaanu received the golden ticket in the final round of auditions. The magnanimous stage has given a platform to many people including Mounika from Hyderabad who is blind at sight but has a soothing voice. The young girl received a golden ticket for her moving performance. As a part of the online auditions, a young girl from Australia, Samhitha was unanimously selected to take part in the show.
With a curated list of talented singers from the Telugu Indian Idol audition rounds, the prominent singing reality show is sure to be packed with entertainment from next week. Stay tuned to watch the talent unfold.
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