On Monday, Bigg Boss Telugu season 3 had a mysterious guest whilst the housemates celebrated Vinayak Chavithi. This mysterious guest carried out the weekly nominations process and had interactions with each of the housemates in the confession room, speaking out their positives and negatives. The guest was later revealed to be Shilpa Chakravarthy, the newest wild card entry in Bigg Boss Telugu season 3.
Shilpa first mysteriously talked with the housemates through the house TV before having separate conversations with them as they were called into the confession room in pairs. She pointed out positives and negatives for each contestant and provided suggestions on how to improve their presence in the house. Eventually, the blanket of mystery was taken off as she was introduced as the 17th contestant to the housemates. Along with the others, she took part in the nominations process. She nominated Ali Reza and Sreemukhi for elimination in the seventh week of Bigg Boss Telugu 3.
Entering as a wild card contestant in the seventh week of the show, Shilpa Chakravarthy is likely to have an advantage over others for she had the opportunity to observe and form opinions on them. Though, only time will tell how good her Bigg Boss game is.
A trained Kathak dancer, Shilpa Chakravarthy started her career as a presenter. She is a Bengali, born and brought up in Hyderabad and has a Masters in Business Administration.
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