Mostly known for his soft characters and boy-next-door looks, Natural Star Nani amazed everyone with his raw and rustic performance in his recent blockbuster, Dasara. With this Srikanth Odela directorial, the actor entered the coveted 100-crore club, a feat many B-tier stars dream of. Starring national-award-winning actress Keerthy Suresh and Deekshith Shetty, known for his performance in the Kannada romantic drama Dia, the movie hit the right note from the day the first look was released. A major credit for this period action drama’s success must be attributed to Santhosh Narayanan, the man behind the chartbuster tunes. After having a dreamy blockbuster box-office run, Dasara has locked its OTT release date.
Read on for more details about the OTT release date, digital platform, and closing collections of Nani’s Dasara.
Set in the backdrop of the Singareni coal mines in Telangana, the plot revolves around Dharani, who leads a life stealing coal, whiling away time with his best friends, and drinking day in and day out. But a tragic loss changes Dharani’s fate, forcing him to turn violent for vengeance.
Released on 30 March 2023, Dasara opened to impressive collections and a blockbuster verdict. Minting over 90 crores (gross) during its first week, the Nani starrer effortlessly surpassed the breakeven mark. It achieved the stupendous feat of entering the two-million club in the overseas market. Not only in the Telugu-speaking states, but Dasara recorded collections the makers would be proud of across the country. Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and the north belt poured in 3 crores, 7.6 crores, and 6.1 crores, respectively. On the whole, Srikanth Odela’s masterpiece grossed over 115 crores to date.
After attracting huge crowds to the theatres, Nani’s movie is set to hit the small screens. Dasara has locked its OTT release date on the Netflix platform and is set to premiere on 27 April 2023.
Stay tuned to Yo! Vizag website and Instagram for more entertaining updates.
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