On Friday, 8 July 2022, the Visakhapatnam Task Force officials arrested 16 members for involving in gambling near Pendurthi. As per the police reports, the accused belonged to Vizag City, Narsipatnam, and other nearby localities. On the directives of City Police Commissioner Ch Srikanth, the task force officials raided the house of Ramesh, a resident of Pendurthi.
Visakhapatnam Task Force in charge ACP Govind Rao and team raided the house and caught the gamblers playing card games at high stakes on Friday. The 16 men were then handed over at the Pendurthi Police Station in Visakhapatnam and booked a case on the charges of gambling. Additionally, Rs 5,12,000 in cash, 20 cellphones, two motorcycles, and three cars were seized from the accused.
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