Keeping in line with the Swachh Bharat Mission, and to improve the city’s rank in the Survekshan, GVMC launched special initiatives to establish Vizag as a Swachh city. The then GVMC Commissioner M Hari Narayanan, had launched the city-based campaigns namely, ‘Adopt a wall’, ‘waste to best’ and a short film making contest on the occasion of the World Environment Day (5 June, 2019).
Speaking to Yo! Vizag, Pavani, an environmental expert at the Project Management Unit of the GVMC, shed light on these campaigns.
The short film contest is open for everybody and there is no registration fee. The duration of the film has to be three to five minutes. The film has to be on any of the following topics – the alternative options of using plastic and garbage segregation, collection and disposal. An application form can be collected from the local GVMC office. The last date for registration in this contest is 5 July 2019. The cash prizes are as follows: Rs. 50,000 for first place, Rs.25,000 for the second place and Rs. 15,000 for the third place.
Any NGO, commercial establishment or individual can apply for the campaign by submitting a non-commercial, eco-friendly design. The selected designs can be painted by the participants on public walls allotted by the GVMC the participants can also write their names beneath their painting. For the top ten designs, the painting expense will be borne by the GVMC. This is mainly for the beautification of the city.
This is mainly being organised for schools, and educational institutions, with the aim of turning waste plastic into useful items. An exhibition platform will be provided for the participants to showcase the products that they have made. Certificates will be provided to all the participants.
For registration in any of these campaigns, one can call 9490077047 or visit the GVMC office Project Management Unit department.
Swachh Survekshan is a ranking exercise, taken up by the Government of India, to assess rural, and urban areas, for their levels of cleanliness. It also looks into the active implementation of Swachhata Mission initiatives in a timely and innovative manner.
The objective of the survey is to encourage large scale citizen participation and create awareness, amongst all sections of society about the importance of working together towards making towns and cities a better place to live in. With these campaigns, the GVMC also aims to improve the rank that Vizag had achieved in the Swachh Survekshan 2019.
This post was last modified on 24/06/2019 4:44 pm
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