Over 150 students from Andhra Pradesh who were stranded in Manipur, where violence erupted a week ago, have been safely returned home. Two flights were arranged by the state government, with 106 students arriving in Hyderabad and the rest landing at Kolkata Airport. On Monday, 108 of these students, including 18 from Visakhapatnam District, were brought to Hyderabad by special flights from Imphal, the capital of the riot-hit Manipur.
The Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) arranged for special buses to transport the students to their respective hometowns, with services being operated on different routes to ensure smooth travel.
Officials reported that the stranded students belonging to Andhra Pradesh were shifted from their hostels to the Imphal Airport under tight security. Upon their arrival in Hyderabad, they were provided with all necessary facilities. They were received at RGIA by Lok Sabha member Maragani Bharat, who assured them that the government would continue to ensure the safe return of all students until they reached their respective hometowns.
The situation in Manipur is said to be gradually returning to normal, with curfew being relaxed in some areas. However, heavy security deployment at important places continues. Violence was triggered by protests by tribals against the inclusion of the Maithy community in the Scheduled Tribe list, which led to over 60 deaths.
Various political leaders, including TDP chief Nara Chandrababu Naidu, urged the government to take measures to ensure the safe return of Andhra Pradesh students stranded in Manipur.
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