On Thursday, 14 July 2022, the Visakhapatnam District Police arrested a woman accused of the murder of her husband in Gantyada Mandal. As per the police reports, Singampalli Ramu (42) was found dead near the Lakshmi Sagaram lake on 11 July. The deceased person’s wife, Tulasi, claimed that it was a road accident. On the other hand, Ramu’s brother alleged that it was a murder and requested the police to initiate an investigation.
During the investigation, it was learnt that Tulasi has an extra-marital relationship with B Sanyasi Naidu of Salur Mandal. Ramu and Tulasi often fought regarding the illicit affair which led to differences between the couple. With an aim to maintain a smooth relationship with Sanyasi Naidu, Tulasi chalked out a plan to kill her husband. She also deceived her 15-year-old son to turn against his father.
On the night of 11 July, the 15-year-old faked a stomach ache and asked his father to take him to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, he made Ramu stop the bike near a lake, where Sanyasi Naidu was secretly waiting to attack. As Ramu pulled his bike over, Sanyasi Naidu bludgeoned him with a hard object from behind. Later, they made it look like a road accident and fled the scene.
The Visakhapatnam District Police arrested the duo accused of the murder and sent them to remand.
Stay tuned to Yo! Vizag for more updates.
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