In a horrifying incident, the death of a teen girl, under mysterious circumstances, at her neighbour’s apartment in Aganampudi, Vizag has come to light. The dead body of the 14-year-old girl was found in the early hours of Wednesday morning. Apparently, the girl had gone missing on Tuesday night and her parents had informed Duvvada Police in Vizag. The girl was studying in Class VIII and her father reportedly works as a watchman in Aganampudi.
During preliminary investigation, the police had suspected this death to be an accident. But later, the girl’s father alleged that six bachelors, who lived in the apartment close to his, had sexually harassed the victim. Accordingly, the police had taken the six men into custody. Additionally, they were also trying to retrieve data from the victim’s father’s mobile.
Further investigation by Duvvada Police in Vizag, into the girl’s death, concluded that the teen girl had been in a relationship with one of the six bachelors. On Tuesday night, the girl and the man were discovered, by her parents, in his room in compromising circumstances. Upon being scolded by her parents, she went to the apartment’s terrace, calling her lover. But he refused to be with her and she jumped off the terrace.
The victim’s body was sent to King George Hospital in Visakhapatnam for autopsy. The man has been arrested by Duvvada Police and they are currently interrogating him.
This is the third case of teen suicide in the Visakhapatnam District in the last four months. This shocking incident brings forth the need to counsel young girls about sexual predators.
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