In what is coming as an exciting news, Visakhapatnam will soon be experiencing the much-awaited Hovercraft rides to its shores. The project, which was first expected to kick off from the second week of December last year, is now slated to be launched in March this year. Reportedly, the operating agency Hoverdocks is conducting trial runs at Bhogapuram beach in Vizianagaram district. As per The Hans India, the company procured 4 machines from Russia to give the citizens some enthralling rides over the city’s
waters, from sunrise to sunset.“Two numbers of 5-seater capacity hovercraft already on the trail run at Bhogapuram beach. The other two craft are in the transit. Total three 5-seater craft procured at Rs 3.3 crore and 7-seater craft at Rs 1.7 crore. We are expecting the ride to be to a maximum of 15 minutes (to and pro) and the tariff will be between Rs 300 and Rs 500,” Rudraraju Chaitanya, managing director of the operating agency Hoverdocks was quoted as saying.
The hovercraft will expectedly operate from RK Beach to Tenneti Park, with the permission of the required officials and authorities being sanctioned. The GVMC had allotted a land of 3700 sq yards on the beachfront, at a rent of Rs 15 lakhs per year.
The authorities are expecting the project to be yet another tourist attraction in Visakhapatnam. Also, other attractions are also being planned in order to draw larger crowds towards Hovercraft.
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