Telugu actor Varun Tej met with a car accident on Wednesday night when his car rammed into another vehicle in Rayani Peta, in Wanaparthy district. The popular actor’s Mercedez Benz reportedly collided with a TATA Indica from behind on National Highway 44 near Rayanipet village in Kottakota. While both the cars were damaged in the accident, Varun Tej shared that everybody was safe and no injuries were sustained.
“Got into a car accident and thankfully everybody is safe and sound. No injuries whatsoever. Thanks for the concern and your love!” Varun Tej tweeted to assure his fans.
As per the information provided by the police to TOI
, four persons in the Indica car suffered injuries and a case has been booked against Varun Tej’s driver for overspeeding. The case has been booked under Section 337 of the IPC.On the work front, Varun Tej is currently filming for ‘Valmiki’, which is the Telugu remake of Tamil film ‘Jigarthanda’. The nephew of Telugu superstar K Chiranjeevi was last seen in the film F2: Fun and Frustration. The film emerged as a box office hit and fetched applause to the actor for his performance. Varun Tej debuted as an actor with Mukunda in 2014. He later grabbed eyes with films like Kanche (2015) and Fidaa (2017).
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