On Wednesday, 23 August 2023, the Telangana Police arrested two men from Visakhapatnam for smuggling Odisha-originated ganja. As per reports, the accused attempted to smuggle the contraband to Maharashtra. The two men were identified as Varun Kumar Patnaik (24) and Bhuvan (20), both belonging to Odisha and working at a hardware store in Vizag for meagre wages.
According to the police, Varun, a recently married graduate, moved to the city and started working at a hardware store. He befriended Bhuvan, who works at the same store. Struggling to make ends meet, the two met Suresh, who has connections with ganja smuggling gangs in the city. Suresh chalked out a plan with the two to smuggle ganja from Odisha to Pune, offering them a commission of Rs 2 lakhs.
Also read: Mystery shrouds the death of 17YO Bengal student in Visakhapatnam
With around 100 kilos of the contraband, reportedly worth Rs 35 lakhs, Bhuvan and Varun attempted to smuggle via Telangana to Maharashtra. On Wednesday, the police, on receiving a tip about this, set up a trap on the Keesara Outer Ring Road (ORR) and arrested the smugglers. The officials seized the ganja, two mobile phones, and the car and arrested the two men from Visakhapatnam for smuggling.
Suresh and Chotu, a Maharashtra-based smuggler related to this case, are currently on the run. A further investigation is underway.
Stay tuned to Yo! Vuzag website and Instagram for more city news updates.
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