The quiet streets of Madhuranagar witnessed a horror on Saturday afternoon. Chinna, a tenth class student in the GVMC school in Madhuranagar, got involved in a fist fight with several other students. He ended up with many injuries and was admitted into Care Hospital. Unfortunately, he couldn’t fight these injuries and eventually succumbed to them on Sunday.
Chinna got into a verbal spat with some of his fellow student mates. The issue gathered gravity and the students started beating up each other in the school’s vicinity. In the process, Chinna was allegedly pummelled repeatedly and even pelted stones at. The poor kid couldn’t withstand this and fainted on the road. He was then admitted into Care hospital for treatment.
The Police interrogated several officials and teachers of the GVMC school. They also tried getting information from the local residents. They are even enquiring the school’s students to know what exactly had caused the brawl. The police registered a murder case on those being considered responsible for the death of the student.
Chinna was a normal school going teenager who never quarreled with anyone. What happened to him is a grave occurrence. Not only Chinna but there have been many kids in the past who have been victims of such fights. Many students are deviating from their primary goal of gaining knowledge from the school. They’re choosing the wrong paths and are ruining their bright careers. Also, they get influenced by the movies. These young minds are getting impacted by the gore scenes in these movies.
It’s important that the students are counseled properly and are guided on the right path to avoid such sad instances.
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