Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, during his 41st monthly address of MANN KI BAAT, launched a new scheme named GOBAR Dhan Yojana. ThE GOBAR Dhan Yojana, which stands for Galvanising Organic Bio-Agro Resources, was announced in the 2018-19 Union Budget and aims to mainly covert the “waste into wealth” and “waste into energy”.
Through the GOBAR Dhan Yojana, the cattle and solid waste would be collected from the farmers and sold to entrepreneurs, who would thereafter process it and produce Bio-gas, manure, and bio-CNG from the waste.
This scheme intends to improve the cleanliness and hygiene in the Indian villages and also help the farmers earn some extra money. It also intends to improve the lives of the villagers through the sale of the cattle wastes. On the other hand, it will also promote the usage of biogas and bio-CNG, and produce cleaner fuels, eventually leading to a shift to biogas and bio-CNG. It is even expected to create an increased number of jobs with more opportunities slated to spring up in similar fields.
As reported by Indian Express, PM Narendra Modi has appealed to the citizens to create self-help groups and creative societies that would help in the ‘clean energy and green jobs’ initiative. He has also made an announcement to initiate an online trading platform to connect farmers to buyers of agricultural waste, facilitating the GOBAR-Dhan scheme. The GOBAR Dhan Yojana Scheme will be launched in April 2018 and nearly 5000 gaushalas, with almost 400 cattle in each one of them, are going to be registered to be a part of the scheme, along with 621 registered dairies.
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