As per the latest report released by the ADR and National Election Watch (NEW), Nara Chandrababu Naidu is the richest Chief Minister in India. The Andhra Pradesh CM, who reportedly holds assets worth Rs 177 crore, is followed by Arunachal Pradesh CM Pema Khandu who possesses assets worth Rs 129 crore. Punjab’s Amarinder Singh has been named third on the list with a worth of Rs 48 crore. Tripura Chief Minister, Manik Sarkar, on the other hand, is the poorest with assets worth Rs 26 lakh.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Jammu and Kashmir’s Mehbooba Mufti have the second and the third lowest assets with Rs 30 lakh and Rs 50 lakh respectively.
The report is based on the analysis of the self-sworn affidavits filed by the Chief Ministers of the 29 states and two Union Territories.
The report, which also shed light on the criminal cases registered against the CMs, revealed that Maharashtra’s Devendra Fadnavis has 22 cases registered against him, which is the highest for any Chief Minister on the list. Kerela Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal occupied the second and the third spots on the list with 11 and 10 criminal cases against them respectively.
It has been learned that out of 31 Chief Ministers, 20 have clean records while 11 have criminal cases against them. Also, on personal wealth front, 25, or 81%, of the 31 Chief Ministers are crorepatis and 39% of the total are graduates, with Sikkim’s PK Chamling being a doctorate.
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